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Now Accepting K-6 Applications for Fall '25-26

  • Free, outstanding public education
  • Free to apply
  • Only takes a few minutes
  • Now accepting K-6 applications for Fall ‘25-‘26

"Success has high standards academically, but is also a place where kids have a lot of fun." 



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Find a Success Academy Charter School Near You

Success Academy is the top-performing public school system in NYC. Find locations near you in the Bronx, Harlem, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

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Public school designed for your child’s success

Academic quality

Our students outperform both district and charter schools in almost every subject matter – from reading to science to history.

Award-winning programs

From chess, to soccer, to dance – we offer a spectrum of activities to widen their horizons at no cost.

Personal attention

We go beyond learning your child’s name. We know their favorite subject and how many teeth the tooth fairy has taken. And we partner with you along the way.

Eligibility Requirements

  • ​​Your child must be entering Kindergarten through 6th grade. Note: not all schools have open seats in 5th and 6th grade.
  • Your child must be five years old by March 31, 2026 to apply to kindergarten.
  • You must be a resident of New York State to apply to any Success Academy school.
  • Admission is FREE and is determined by a random lottery after the application deadline on April 1, 2025. 

Application Guidelines

  • The application is only for children that are not currently enrolled at any of our Success Academy Charter Schools. Current Success families: only submit an application if you are enrolling a new student.
  • Transferring? Families with students currently enrolled at Success may submit an application to transfer but will release their current seat if accepted. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you reach out to your school office to request a transfer.
  • For registration or middle school placement, please contact your school's main office (do not submit an application). 

Lottery Preference

Preference in the lottery is given to:

  • Siblings of current Success students or newly accepted students.
  • Children of Success employees.
  • Applicants who reside within the Community School District (CSD) of a school to which they’ve applied.
  • English Language Learners (ELL) receive a weighted preference in the lottery.
  • The application deadline is April 1, 2025. Applications received after the deadline will be considered waitlist applications. We may process waitlist applications several times throughout the spring and summer depending on available seats.

A community of families and educators…

…working together to create a joyful learning experience for every student.

Success Academy Charter Schools is the largest and highest-performing free, public charter school network in New York City.

Watch this video tour to take a look inside Success.

Applications for Fall 2025-26 are now open!

“My kids both want to be teachers because of how much they love their own teachers.” 


Parents + Teachers =Your Child’s Dream Team

At Success Academy, learning doesn’t end when the bell rings. SA parents play a pivotal role in each student’s education:

Success Academy Educators:

Success Academy Parents:

Create a community centered around academic achievement

Make academic work a priority at home

Communicate proactively and responsively with school staff

Communicate closely and frequently with parents

Include parents in school events to see student’s growth and development firsthand

Celebrate your student’s success at family meetings and events

Applications for Fall 2025-26 are now open!

An Exceptional Education. Proven.

Structured Support for Lifelong Learners.

Joyful Relationships, Collaborative Environment.

Preparedness through Whole-Child Curriculum.

What if I have questions during the application and new family enrollment process?

We’re here to help you! Reach out to our Family Care team at or (646) 472-1911.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7AM-6PM

Non-Discrimination Statement

A charter school shall not discriminate against or limit the admission of any student on any unlawful basis, including on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, race, creed, religion or ancestry. A school may not require any action by a student or family (such as admissions test, interview, essay, attendance at an information session, etc.) in order for an applicant to either receive or submit an application for admission to that school.

Success Academy Charter Schools

95 Pine Street, Floor 6

New York, NY 10005

Office: (646) 597-4641

Fax: (646) 961-4739

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